I think we can all agree the NHS does a fantastic job, but with stretched resources and underfunding this has lead to longer delays and bigger waiting times. By taking out Private Medial Insurance policy you can enjoy many benefits including: Quick & speedy treatment Access to Private Hospitals and your own private room Choice […]
Should I get Private Medical Insurance?
Top Tips For A Healthy Winter – Beat Those Winter Bugs!
As the weather turns colder it’s often tempting to curl up on the sofa and eat all the wrong things. Whilst a little rest and recuperation is great if you’re feeling a bit under the weather, the key to enjoying life in general is in looking after yourself as this in turn will ward off […]
Why Should I Consider Private Medical Insurance?
Private healthcare offers an alternative option; one that is becoming increasingly more available and affordable. When people choose to opt for private healthcare, they often cite five main reasons: 1. Faster treatment – Shorter waiting times 2. Choice of where to be treated and by which specialist 3. A private room rather with comforts like […]
Breakfast – 6 Ways To Kick Start Your Day
Breakfast is possibly our most important meal of the day. Literally meaning ‘breaking your fast’ it reflects the re-introduction of food and drink after a period of time spent letting your body rest and recuperate from the day before. Recent diets advocate fasting as a way of losing weight and conditioning the body. However, nutritionists […]